19. Dezember 2023
Unterstützung für die Forschungsarbeit von Prof. Hod Orkibi gesucht
Gerne unterstützen wir die Forschungsarbeit von Prof. Hod Orkibi.
Das DFP Vorstandsteam
the FEPTO Research Committee team would need the help of psychodrama students, practitioners, trainers or researchers for the validation of the new spontaneity scale, this research is headed by Prof. Hod Orkibi.
In particular, what we kindly ask you to do, if you decide to help us, is to answer the questionnaire at the following link https://haifacatrc.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8qqYIGitm3cCoIu
The questionnaire is anonymous and will last about 10 minutes.
Please share the link with other psychodrama students, practitioners, trainers or researchers.
Thank you very much for your contribution“